Chapter 3. Implementation scenario: Standalone Proxies 109
3.3.4 Remote Control Proxy startup
This section describes how you can start up the Remote Control Proxies.
Once the installation has been completed, the RC Target and RC Controller
proxies have been properly configured and the firewall administrator has granted
the access to ports needed by the Tivoli application to work properly, then you
can check if the proxy mechanism works by starting the RC Target and RC
Controller Proxy services.
By default, after a successful installation of Remote Control Proxy, the proxy
service is automatically started. Actually, both RC Target and RC Controller
Proxy can be started using the rcproxy command provided with the installation of
the Proxy component.
For more information, you can refer to the

IBM Tivoli Remote Control Us ers

, SC23-4842.
Example 3-11 shows how to startup the remote control proxy on AIX machine:
Example 3-11 Startup of Remote Control Proxy on AIX operating system
# pwd
/usr/local/Tivoli/Remote Control Proxy
#./rcproxy &
[2] 17186
# 03/01/29 14:33:04 0 1 Log level: 3
03/01/29 14:33:04 0 1 Log file name: rcproxy.log
03/01/29 14:33:04 0 1 Maximum log size: 1 (MB)
In order to start the RC Proxy service installed o n Windows 2000, you need to
issue the rcproxy command. Figure 3-5 shows Service Applet window with the
Remote Control Proxy service status.