Chapter 4. Implementation scenario: Tivoli Firewall Security Toolbox 125
The port range must have as many ports as the number of Child Proxies the
related proxy has. In our example we assume that the RC Target Proxy could
have up to 10 additional Child Proxies, while the Relay could have 2 Child
4.3 Scenario installation and configuration
This section describes scenarios for installing RC Target and Controller Proxies
in our Non-Standalone environment. It also includes the configuration steps
needed in order to properly customize the Proxies and to a llow the Remote
Control sessions across firewalls, according to the settings given in 4.2.3,
Firewall configuration tables on page 124. The installation is performed based
on the environment presented in Figure 4-2 on page 120.

4.3.1 Remote Control Proxy installation

This section describes how to install:
򐂰Remote Control Target Proxy
򐂰Relay instance used by Remote Control
򐂰Remote Control Controller Proxy
The installation of the Remote Control Proxy component must be done locally
and can be done using either the GUI or silent methods dep ending on the Install
Shield mechanism. You can also take the advantage of other Tivoli Applications,
such as IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager creating your own package with the
Software Package Editor. For more information, see the

IBM Tivoli Configuration

Manager Users Guide for Software Distribution

, SC23-4711. In addition, you can
refer to the
IBM Tivoli Remote Control Users Guide
, SC23-4842 for information
about the silent installation.
The installation procedure for the RC Target and Controller Proxies are the same
as we presented for the StandAlone scenario as described in the 3.3.1, Remote
Control Proxy installation on page 101. However, the RC Target Proxy must be
installed on the same machine as the Endpoint Proxy, and the RC Controller
Proxy must be installed on the same machine as the Gateway Proxy.
The Remote Control Proxies components code is shipped with t he IBM Tivoli
Remote Control 3.8 media, the same that you used to install the IBM Tivoli
Remote Control Server component. The installation process for the RC Target
and RC Controller Proxies is the same and uses the same source image and
path. The differences are in the configuration piece only. You can refer to
Chapter 2, Implementation planning on page 57 for details.