Chapter 3. Implementation scenario: Standalone Proxies 103
The above settings are mandatory and, once the installation is completed, all this information is stored in the rcproxy.cfg file located at the Remote Control Proxy installation directory. Inputs needed to modify the remote control Target Proxy configuration file are given in “The rcproxy.cfg configuration file” on page 104.Table3-2 shows the configuration settings we used in our lab for this scenario during the Remote Control Controller Proxy installation:Table 3-2 RC Controller Proxy settings
Remote Control
Proxy label
Controller Proxy label where the
Endpoint Target are connected to
Proxy type Role of the Parent RC Proxy Target
Port number Port on which this Proxy listens for
connection from Controllers (must
match with rc_def_proxy value).
Command line port Command line port (used by the
rcproxy command)
Parameter Description Our settings
Controller Proxy label Since the Proxy is a Child, you
need to assign it a label
Local port Port used locally by this proxy to
listen for connections
Parent network interface Parent or Relay hostname tic01002
Port used by the Parent Port used by the Parent or Relay
to listen for connections (this is not
used in a unidirectional scenario)
Connection type Connection direction between this
Proxy and its Parent or Relay
Unidirectional role Role of this Proxy when
connection is unidirectional
Proxy type Specify the role of this RC Proxy Controller
Command line port Command line port (used by the
rcproxy command)
Parameter Description Our settings