Chapter 1. Remote Control sessions overview 23
–If the label of the Endpoint is the same as of the hostname of the
–If the interpreter of the Controller is supported and able to start a
Remote Control session.
In order to get this information, the Spoke Remote Control Server
needs to contact the Spoke Endpoint Manager.
CAs the Controller is not an Endpoint of the Spoke TMR, thus not
known by the Spoke Endpoint Manager, the Spoke Endpoint
Manager must get the Region ID from the Controller Object ID and
must find a way to contact the Endpoint Manager of this other TMR
known by the Region ID. As soon as the Spoke Endpoint Manager
find the way to contact the HUB Endpoint Manager, it transfers the
request it receives from the Spoke Remote Control Server and waits
for the return.
DIf the Controller, based on the information received from the HUB
Endpoint Manager, is authorized to be a Controller, the Spoke
Remote Control server loads a subset of the Remote Control
policies. For our examples, we will call these p olicies basis policies.
These policies are not loaded not from the Spoke RC Tool but from
the Spoke Policy Region where the Tool is located. These basis
policies are only accessed when the RC Tool is opened and no more
loaded for the time the Tool is active.
EAt this point, the Tivoli Administrator could decide to start a session
by clicking the Run button of the Spoke Remote Control Tool after
selecting a Target.
FThe Spoke Remote Control Server needs to load the rest of the
Remote Control policies. These policies are more network related
and, for example, specify if a Remote Control Proxy or a Remote
Control Gateway should be used and which ports are defined to start
the session. Unlike the basis policies, these Remote Control policies
are loaded every time a new session is started from this Spoke RC
Tool. Example 1-7 on page 25 shows which policies are read when
the session starts and which are read when the RC Tool is opened.
GAs soon as all Remote Control policies are loaded, the Spoke
Remote Control Server needs to obtain additional information for
both the Controller and the Target, such as their IP addresses. In
order to get this information, the Remote Control Server must contact
the Spoke Endpoint Manager.