Chapter 1. Remote Control sessions overview 33
informed the Controller (step I) to use the Remote Control Gateway
in order to contact the Target. As the Controller knows on which
Managed Node the Remote Control Gateway is installed and which
port has to be used, it starts to communicate with the Target using
this specific network path. The Remote Control session is now
established. It is important to notice that once the session
established, the Controller talks directly with the Target, but it’s not a
peer-to-peer communication (Controller-Target) anymore, as the
communication flow must always go through the Remote Control
Gateway. The Target is listening on the port defined in the rc_def_gw
policy. If 0 is specified as the parameter, the port is assigned by the
communication stack. On the Controller side, by default, the port is
assigned by the communication stack. However, this port could be
easily fixed by configuring the rc_def_ports Remote Control Policy.
In order to force the Remote Control session to use a Remote Control Gateway,
the rc_def_gw default policy method needs to be configured as shown in
Example 1-13.
Example 1-13 The rc_def_gw default policy method for Remote Control
# Default policy method for Remote Control gateway
# This policy method determines whether or not to
# use the Remote Control gateway.
# Possible values:
# NO Do not use the Remote Control gateway.
# YES <ManagedNode-label> <GatewayPort> <MaxSessions> IP:<IP-Port>
# Use the specified Remote Control gateway,
# where:
# <ManagedNode-label> is the name of the managed node
# to be used as Remote Control gateway.
# <GatewayPort> is the TCP/IP port used by the Remote
# Control gateway to listen for connection request from
# controllers.
# <MaxSessions> is the number of Tivoli Remote Control
# sessions between a controller and target that the Remote
# Control gateway can handle on the same incoming port.
# The maximum value is 64.
# <IP-Port> is the local TCP/IP port used by the Remote
# Control gateway to communicate with TCP/IP targets.
# If it has the value 0, the Remote Control gateway uses
# a port generated by the communication stack.
# Default value: NO