78 IBM Tivoli Remote Control Across Firewalls
This file system will contain the binaries and configuration files for the
application. It is recommended to install such applications i n another
Logical Partition than the Operating System. Furthermore, a directory
structure with no spaces in the name could be easier to mana ge just in
case the directory name might be used in a script, for example.
Type of installation:
If you choose to add a label to this Proxy, then this Proxy will become a
Child. Otherwise, the Proxy will become a Parent.
򐂰If the installation refers to a Standalone mode with a Parent proxy, or an
installation on top of an existing Endpoint Proxy, the process will ask for the
following information:
A listening port for the Parent from which it listens for Child connections:
This information will be saved in the children_local_port parameter in
the [communication-layer] section of the rcproxy.cfg configuration file.
An IP Address of the Child (or DNS name) and on which port this Child will
be listening for the Parent connections. Repeat this step for all Children
you need to define for this Parent.
This information will be saved in the children_remote_list parameter in
the [communication-layer] section of the rcproxy.cfg configuration file.
A type of connection:
This choice must be in accordance with the security rul es defined by your
Security Officer regarding how communication must be exchanged
between different network zones. Refer to 1.1.5, Proxy connection types
on page 11 for more information about the different types of
This information will be saved in the children_cm_type parameter in the
[communication-layer] section of the rcproxy.cfg configuration file. If the
connection type selected is unidirectional, the Parent role is saved in the
connection-mode parameter in the [children-cm-info] section of the
rcproxy.cfg configuration file.
Note: This step only concerns an RC Proxy Standalone i nstallation
process. In a Non-Standalone process, the setup application discovers
if either an Endpoint or Gateway Proxy is installed on the local machine.
Then, it defines the RC Proxy as the Parent if it discovers an Endpoint
Proxy, and the RC Proxy as the Child if it discovers a Gateway Proxy.