Chapter 5. Troubleshooting techniques 161
For this purpose we look at the WHO-TELL message in the Target (Example 5-5) and Controller (Example 5-6) rcproxy.log.

Example 5-5 The Target Proxy log file

03/02/12 11:39:22 3 1340 logInit - Message logging initialized (level=3,
03/02/12 11:39:23 1 1340 sendCommandLineRequest: cannot connect to
03/02/12 11:39:23 0 1340 Proxy label: none (node is root)
03/02/12 11:39:23 0 1340 Proxy type: target
03/02/12 11:39:23 2 1340 No listen interface specified, defaulting to
03/02/12 11:39:23 0 1340 Proxy listen port: 5020
03/02/12 11:39:23 0 1340 TFST Endpoint Proxy directory: C:\Tivoli\Tivoli
Systems\Tivoli Endpoint Proxy
03/02/12 11:39:23 2 1340 No timeout specified, using default
03/02/12 11:39:23 0 1340 Communication timeout: 240
03/02/12 11:39:23 0 1340 Max sessions: 10
03/02/12 11:39:23 0 1340 Reply to RSM data: no
03/02/12 11:39:23 3 1340 initRoutedSessionsManager: no network card specified
for children-local-host, using random interface
03/02/12 11:39:23 2 1340 initRoutedSessionsManager: children-remote-file
parameter not specified
03/02/12 11:39:23 3 2104 routingManager: TELL command received
03/02/12 11:39:24 3 2104 routingManager: WHO reply command received

Example 5-6 The Controller Proxy log file

03/02/12 11:34:39 3 1816 logInit - Message logging initialized (level=3,
03/02/12 11:34:40 1 1816 sendCommandLineRequest: cannot connect to
03/02/12 11:34:40 0 1816 Proxy label: tic01005-gw
03/02/12 11:34:40 0 1816 Proxy type: controller
03/02/12 11:34:40 2 1816 No timeout specified, using default
03/02/12 11:34:40 0 1816 Communication timeout: 240
03/02/12 11:34:40 0 1816 Max sessions: 10
03/02/12 11:34:40 0 1816 Reply to RSM data: no
03/02/12 11:34:40 3 1816 initRoutedSessionsManager: no network card specified
for parent-local-host, using random interface
03/02/12 11:34:42 3 1740 routingManager: TELL reply command
Both logs show that the Proxy communication is working.