Appendix A. Tivoli Firewall Security Toolbox overview 181

Installing Relay instances

You can install multiple instances of Relay on the same machine. Do the
following to install the first Relay instance:
򐂰To install Relay on a UNIX based machine, go to the Relay directory and then
to the subdirectory for the platform on which Relay will run and run from the subdirectory. Follow the steps provided in
Security Toolbox User s Guide
, GC23-4826.
򐂰To install Relay on a Windows machine, run setup.exe from the directory that
contains the Tivoli Relay Installation Images and the Tivoli Relay InstallShield
wizard starts. Then follow the steps provided in
Firewall Security Toolbox
User s Guide
, GC23-4826.

Installing the Event Sink

The Event Sink is to be installed on an Endpoint, as follows:
򐂰To install Event Sink on a UNIX machine, go to the Event Sink directory and
then to the subdirectory for the platform on which the Proxy will run and run from the subdirectory. Follow the steps provided in
Security Toolbox User s Guide
, GC23-4826.
򐂰To install Event Sink on a Windows machine, run EventSink.exe located
under Event Sink\w32-ix86 subdirectory. The Tivoli Event Sink InstallShield
wizard starts. Then follow the steps provided in
Firewall Security Toolbox
User s Guide
, GC23-4826.
Configuration of TFST
This section covers the configuration of the various components of Tivoli Firewall
Security Toolbox.

Configuring the Endpoint Proxy

After you install Endpoint Proxy, the configuration file epProxy.cfg is created in
the directory where you installed the Proxy. It contains the configuration input
supplied during installation. In addition, you can edit this with a text editor to
configure other options. You have to stop and restart the component to make any
changes to this configuration. The configuration file contains different sections,
and each section has a table for keywords and comments. Note that the section
titles are case sensitive. Enter the values in the following format.