Chapter 7The Super-Set Commands
Portra it
Portrait refers to vertical page orientation, where the height of a page is
greater than its width. The top edge of the image is parallel to the leading
edge of the paper. Figure 1 is an example of portrait orientation:
Figure 1. Portrait Orientation
Landscape refers to horizontal orientation, where the width of the page is
greater than its height. The top edge of the image is the left edge of the paper.
(The left edge of the image is the leading edge of the paper.) Figure 2 is an
example of landscape orientation:
Figure 2. Landscape Orientation
Leading Edge
11 Inches
8.5 Inches
The top edge of
the image is
parallel to the
leading edge of
the paper.
11 Inches
8.5 Inches
The top edge of
the image is
along the left edge
of the paper.