Safety precautions
Warning! Alwayscompletelydisconnectthepowercordfrom yourchassiswheneveryouareworkingonit.Do notmakeconnectionswhilethepowerison
becausesensitiveelectroniccomponentscanbe damagedbythesuddenrushofpower.Only experiencedelectronicspersonnelshouldopen the PC chassis.
Caution! Alwaysgroundyourselftoremoveanystatic chargebeforetouchingtheCPUcard.Modern
electronicdevicesareverysensitivetostatic electriccharges.Useagroundingwriststrapat alltimes.Placeallelectroniccomponentsona
Installing the CPU
Removing a CPU
1.Disconnect power from the chassis, and unplug all connections to the CPU card. Then, remove the CPU card from the chassis by following the instructions in the user's manual for your chassis.
2.Lift the CPU out of the PGA socket. The old chip may be difficult to remove. You may find spray chip lubricant, designed for
Chapter 2 Installation 13