Invacare Scooters 22 Part No. 1090132 Rev F
Before attempting to sit in the powered scooter, REMOVE the key from
the ignition. This will ensure that the POWER is OFF and the scooter will
not drive.
To determine and establish your particular safety limits, practice bending,
reaching and transferring activities in several combinations in the pres-
ence of a qualified healthcare professional BEFORE attempting active use
of the powered scooter.
Ensure seat is properly locked before attempting transfer into or out of
the powered scooter. Attempting unsafe transfers may cause a fall from
the powered scooter resulting in bodily injury.
For individuals with balance problems, practice transferring activities
WITH AN ASSISTANT in the presence of a qualified healthcare
professional. DO NOT attempt to transfer into or out of the powered
scooter without assistance.
1. Before operation of the powered scooter, review the CONTROL PANEL FEATURES
section in this procedure of the manual.
2. Install and charge batteries. Refer to REPLACING BATTERIES and CHARGING
THE BATTERIES in PROCEDURE 4 in this manual.
3. Transferring to and from the seat can be accomplished in one (1) of two (2) ways:
A. Flipping up the armrest makes entering/exiting easier.
B. For all models except ZOOM-3, the seat can be rotated in either direction.
Refer to 90º SEAT SWIVEL ADJUSTMENT in PROCEDURE 5 in this manual.
4. Once the seat is locked in the forward-facing position and both armrests are in the
DOWN position, adjust the tiller to a comfortable angle. Refer to TILLER ANGLE
ADJUSTMENT in PROCEDURE 8 in this manual.
5. Adjust speed control knob to the appropriate setting. For PANTHER MX-4 also
select low/ high speed.
NOTE: For driving indoors or on uneven terrain, a slower speed (and the selection of low speed
for PANTHER MX-4 is recommended. For soft terrain or steep inclines (no greater than 8º), a
faster speed may be necessary.
6. Insert the key into the ignition.
Always depress the throttle control lever gradually. This will ensure
smooth safe starts.
NOTE: Throttle control levers are teetered such that moving one (1) will also move the opposite
side throttle control lever.