DataSafe NAS User’s Manual 40
#INCLUDE \\trey\public\LMHOSTS #adds
LMHOSTS from this server
In the preceding example:
nThe servers named localsrv and trey are
preloaded so they can be used later in an
#INCLUDE statement in a centrally maintained
nThe server named "appname \0x14" contains a
special character after the 15 characters (including
blanks) in its name, so its name is enclosed in
quotation marks.
nThe server named popular is preloaded, based on
the #PRE keyword.
Guidelines for LMHOSTS files
When you use a host table file, be sure to keep it up-
to-date and organized. Follow these guidelines:
nUpdate the LMHOSTS file whenever a computer is
changed or removed from the network.
nUse #PRE statements to preload popular entries
into the local computer's name cache. Also use
#PRE statements to preload servers that are
included with #INCLUDE statements.
nBecause LMHOSTS files are searched from the
beginning one line at a time, you can increase the
search speed for the most commonly used entries
by placing statements for the most frequently
used servers near the top of the file. Follow these
with statements for less frequently used servers,
and then follow these server statements with
remote #INCLUDE statements. Enter the #PRE
entries at the end of the file (because these
statements are preloaded into the cache at system
startup time and are not accessed later).
Remember that comment lines add to the parsing
time, because each line is processed individually.