
iPod video (a cincea generaţie)2*2


– iPod video (5th Generation)*



La conectarea iPod-ului nano la adaptorul de interfaţă,



When you connect the iPod nano to the interface



asiguraţi-vă că aţi deconectat căştile; în caz contrar,



adapter, be sure to disconnect the headphones;



aparatul nu va emite niciun sunet.




otherwise, no sound is heard.



Nu este posibilă accesarea fişierelor video din meniul


It is not possible to browse video files




„Video” atâta timp cât iPod-ul este conectat la

“Videadaptos”rulmdenuinterfaţăwhile.the iPod is connected to the

DacăinterfaceiPod-ul nuadapterrealizează. redarea corect, actualizaţi software-ul iPod cu cea mai nouă versiune. Pentru detalii

• If the iPod does not play correctly, please update your cu privire la actualizarea iPod.ului, vizitaţi <http://www. iPod software to the latest version. For details about>.

updating your iPod, visit <>.

• La pornirea acestui aparat, iPod-ul este alimentat prin

• When you turn on this unit, the iPod is charged intermediul acestui aparat.

throughCât timp thisiPodunit-ul este. conectat, toate operaţiunile

WhileiPod-uluithesuntiPoddezactivateis connected,. Efectuaţiall opertoatetionsoperaţiilefrom theprin

intermediul acestui aparat.

iPod are disabled. Perform all operations from this

• Este posibil ca informaţia în format text să nu fie afişată unit.


• The text information may not be displayed correctly.

• Dacă informaţia în format text conţine mai mult de 11

• If the text information includes more than 11 caractere, aceasta se va derula pe afişaj. Pe afişajul acestui characters,aparat pot apăreait scrollspânăonlathe40displayde caractere. This. unit can

display up to 40 characters.


La utilizarea unui iPod, unele operaţii pot să nu fie When operating an iPod, some operations may not efectuate corect sau în condiţiile dorite. În acest caz, be performed correctly or as intended. In this case, vizitaţi următorul site JVC: < visit the following JVC web site: <http://www.jvc. english/car/support/ks-pd100/index.html>>

AlocareaTitle assignmentdenumirii

IfDacăyouîncercaţitry to assăignalocaţititlesdenumito morei pentruthan 30maistationmult de 30

posturi radio, va fi afişat mesajul„NAME FULL”. Ştergeţi frequencies, “NAME FULL” appears. Delete unwanted denumirile inutile înainte de a aloca altele.

titles before assignment.


• Setarea„AUTO” pentru atenuatorul intensităţii luminoase

• “AUTO” setting for “DIMMER” may not work correctly („DIMMER”) poate funcţiona necorespunzător în cazul on some vehicles, particularly on those having a unor vehicule, mai cu seamă al celor prevăzute cu buton control dial for dimming.

de scădere a intensităţii luminoase.

In this case, change the “DIMMER” setting to any

În acest caz, setaţi „DIMMER” la altă opţiune; nu setaţi la other„AUTOthan.” “AUTO.”

IfDacăyouschangeimbaţithes tarea“AMP„AMPGAIN”GAIN”setting(Controlulfrom amplificării)

“HIGHde la„HIGHPOWER”POWER”to “LOW(PuterePOWER”ridicată)whilela„LOWthePOWER”

(Putere scăzută) în timp ce volumul este setat la un nivel volume level is set higher than “VOLUME 30,” the mai ridicat decât treapta„VOLUME 30”, aparatul va aduce unit automatically changes the volume level to automat volumul la nivelul„VOLUME 30”.

“VOLUME 30.”

DemontareaDetaching thepancontrolului depanelcomandă

MontareaAttachingpanouluithe controlde comandăpanel

• Microsoft şiandWindowsWindowsMediaMediasuntarefie eithermărci înregistrateregistered ca atare, fie mărci aparţinând companiei Microsoft trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in Corporation din Statele Unite ale Americii şi/sau din alte the United States and/or other countries.


• The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by

• Logotipul şi siglele Bluetooth sunt deţinute de Bluetooth the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks SIG, Inc. şi orice utilizare a mărcii de către compania Victor

byCompanyVictor Comof Japan,yLimitedof Japan,(JVC)Limitedse face(JVC)sub licenţăis under. licenseAlte mărci. Otherînregistratetrademarksşi denumiriand tradecomercialenamesaparţinare those ofproprietarilortheir respectivede dreptowners. .

• HD Radio™ şi sigla HD Radio Ready sunt mărci înregistrate

• HD Radio™ and the HD Radio Ready logo are ce aparţin companiei iBiquity Digital Corp. proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital Corp.

• „SIRIUS” şi sigla SIRIUS sunt mărci înregistrate ale SIRIUS

• “SIRIUS” and the SIRIUS dog logo are registered Satellite Radio Inc.

trademarks of SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc.

• XM şi siglele corespunzătoare sunt mărci înregistrate ale

XMandSatelliteits correspondingRadio Inc. logos are registered

trademarks„SAT Radio,”siglaof XMSATSatelliteRadio şiRadiotoateIncmărcile.

corespunzătoare sunt mărci comerciale ale SIRIUS

• “SAT Radio,” the SAT Radio logo and all related marks Satellite Radio Inc. şi ale XM Satellite Radio, Inc.

are trademarks of SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc., and XM

• iPod este marcă înregistrată a Apple Inc., înregistrată în Satellite Radio, Inc.

S.U.A. şi în alte ţări.

• iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.


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JVC KD-BT11 manual IPodnano**11, Display up to 40 characters, Titles before assignment, Volume

KD-BT11 specifications

The JVC KD-BT11 is a versatile and feature-rich car audio receiver that caters to the needs of music enthusiasts and tech-savvy drivers alike. With its stylish design and robust performance, the KD-BT11 makes a strong statement in the realm of automotive audio equipment.

One of the standout features of the JVC KD-BT11 is its Bluetooth connectivity, enabling seamless wireless streaming of music from smartphones or other compatible devices. This feature allows users to enjoy their favorite playlists and podcasts without the hassle of tangled wires. The device also supports hands-free calling, providing convenience and safety while driving. The built-in microphone ensures clear communication, allowing users to focus on the road.

Another significant aspect of the KD-BT11 is its compatibility with various audio formats. It supports MP3, WAV, and WMA playback, giving users the flexibility to play their favorite tracks without worrying about format restrictions. The receiver also includes a customizable equalizer with a variety of pre-set options, enabling listeners to adjust the sound profile to their liking.

In terms of display and user interface, the KD-BT11 features a large, easy-to-read LCD screen that displays track information and settings clearly. The interface is designed for user-friendly navigation, ensuring that drivers can quickly access their music and settings without distraction. Additionally, the device supports ID3 tags, allowing users to see artist and song information easily.

The KD-BT11 is equipped with a powerful 4 x 50 Watts built-in amplifier that delivers high-quality sound, enhancing the overall listening experience. The receiver also includes various connectivity options such as USB and AUX inputs, making it easy to connect and charge external devices. The USB port supports playback of audio files directly from USB flash drives, providing yet another way to enjoy music on the go.

Moreover, the JVC KD-BT11 is designed with radio functionality in mind, featuring a built-in FM/AM tuner that provides access to various radio stations. It also supports RDS, which allows listeners to receive enhanced information about radio broadcasts, such as station names and program details.

In summary, the JVC KD-BT11 stands out as a well-rounded car audio receiver that combines modern technology with user-friendly features. Its Bluetooth connectivity, compatibility with multiple audio formats, and robust sound output make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to upgrade their in-car audio system. With its impressive versatility and stylish design, the KD-BT11 is a worthy addition to any vehicle.