Two Level Wash Feature
A separate spray tube or rotating spray arm assures excellent washability spray arm thoroughly washes all dishes in the lower rack This arrangement
in the upper rack, and another rotating permits complete flexibility of ioading
without concern of blocking the water pattern to el;her rack See Figure t3
Water Charge (See Figure 14)
Water enters the dishwasher through the solenoid operated water inlet valve
The valve is energized through the timer Water will enter the machine 1or approximately one minute (All dish- washers are time filled ) Some models fill for 90 seconds Also some models have 45 second water charges built into water miser and normal wash cycles Refer to tech sheet in console
The float switch controls the amount of water entering the dishwasher The fill is also time controlled If the timer fails to advance or the water pressure is extremely high, the float switch will open the circuit to the water inlet valve thus preventing a flood If the float sticks or does not cut power to the valve, the timer acts as a safety
_o turn power off after the allotted fill time The float and timer switch will not protect against a mechanical failure of the valve
To satisfactorily clean dishes, the 24" dishwasher must have a water charge of 8 to 11 quarts The !8" models require 6 5 to 8 quarts if poor washability is experienced, be certain to check for the correct water charge