Motor ]nstaltation
1, Place motor on floor in proper position beneath mounting hole in tub (See Figure39t (Pump housing and gasket attached to motor )
2 Insert 2 guide pins _:'through mounting holes in tub and into corresponding attach screw holes in p_mp housing
_'Guidepins are made by cutting 2 pieces of heavy gauge wire about 6- long They are not required However, they do sirnptify installation
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.3 Temporarily attach upper impeUer to motor shaft with screw.
4,, Place gasket and cover ring over guide pins in position inside tub,
5, Grasp impeller and rift motor straight up into position beneath tub (See Figure 39)
6 Holding motor in position, install two of the attach screws direcdy across from each other,
7, Remove guidepinsand upper impellerand complete installationof allattach screws
KRemoving Pump and Motor Assembly (Manufactured in 1978 or Later)
The motor and pump assembly has been redesigned to allow removal through the inside of the tub, It is important that the following procedure be used to remove and replace this assembly.
1, Shut off electrical power to the dishwasher. 2. Remove accesspanel and toe plate,
3, Disconnect hosesfrom pump housing ports,,
4Disconnect motor electrical leads from terminal block and relay. 5, Remove the lower rack and lower spray arm,
6, Remove 6 pump mounting screws (Some housings may have 10 screws)
7Separate halves of clamping ring from _mp housing (access compartment), See Figure 40
8Pump and motor assembly can now be lifted out from inside the tub,