OvenControl, Clock,andtimer
OFF _1
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Your range CLOCK, TIMER, and OVEN operations are s=mpleand easy to understand
The HOUR/MINUTE arrow pads allow youto set the exact timeyou need
Touch the DOWN arrow pad to d=splay the selected oven temperature
The displaywdl show
1.The timeof day CLOCK
2.The amountof timeyou choose when us=ngthe TIMER
As you read throughyourmanual,you w=llfind what each of the ind_wdual indtoatorsare used for and howthey
willhelpyou in understandingyour new control
If the time of day is showing in the dtsplay, touch the CLOCK pad once
To bring back the d_splay from the bme of day blackout, touch the CLOCK pad twice,
3.Any delayed funct=onsor cooking times set
The oven lightsw_tchturnsthe light inside the oven on or off