You can save pictures and audio files to your computer, and save burst and
timelapse pictures as APPLE QuickTime movies.
Save Individual Pictures
To save pictures to your computer
1In the application window viewing area, select the pictures you want to save
to your computer.
2Click Save As.
The Save As dialog box appears.
If you rename a single FlashPix™ picture, some applications may not
recognize the renamed picture.
5From the File pop-up menu, select Image (the default).
6To delete the pictures from the camera memory card after they are saved to
your computer, click the Delete Originals checkbox.
7To save the pictures, click Save.
Save the Audio Attached to a Picture
To save the audio attached to a picture
1In the application window viewing area, select one or more pictures with an
attached audio.
2Click Save As.
3In the Save As dialog box, use the navigation pop-up menu to select the folder
where you want to save the pictures. To create a new folder, click New.
3Use the navigation pop-up menu to
select the folder where you want to
save the pictures. To create a new
folder, click New.
4Optionally, in the Save Current
Picture As text box, type a filename
for a single picture. Multiple
pictures use the camera filename.