Installing the Printer Driver
Uninstalling the Printer Driver
If it becomes necessary to delete the printer driver, for example, when you want to reinstall the printer driver, follow the procedure below to delete the driver.
Quit all running applications that may have started when the Macintosh computer was turned on.
For Mac OS X
1 Open Print Center or Printer Setup Utility, located in “Applications”— “Utilities” of “Hard Disk”.
2 Select the name of the printer to be deleted, and then click the [Delete] button.
The selected printer is deleted.
3 Close the printer list.
4 Drag the following file, which is located in
5 Delete the unnecessary files from
6 For Mac OS 10.3, drag the “***c351” file, which is located in “Library”—
–KONICAMINOLTAC351 Finishing.plugin
–KONICAMINOLTAC351 ImageLayout.plugin
–KONICAMINOLTAC351 Security.plugin
–KONICAMINOLTAC351 Setup.plugin
7 For Mac OS 10.2, drag the following files, which are located in “Li-
–KONICAMINOLTAC351 Finishing.plugin
–KONICAMINOLTAC351 ImageLayout.plugin
–KONICAMINOLTAC351 Security.plugin
–KONICAMINOLTAC351 Setup.plugin
C351 |