Where to Put Your Machine
Machine Environment
Your machine's location should be carefully chosen because environmental con- ditions greatly affect its performance.
Optimum environmental conditions
•Keep the equipment away from humidity and dust. Otherwise a fire or an electric shock might occur.
•Do not place the equipment on an unstable or tilted surface. If it topples over, it could cause injury.
•Before moving the equipment, be sure to pull all four handles fully out. Not doing this may result in an injury, such as getting your fingers pinched. After moving the equipment, return the four handles to their original positions.
•When the optional paper tray unit is installed, do not push the upper part of the main unit horizontally. If the paper tray unit becomes detached from the main unit, this could cause an injury.
•If you use the equipment in a confined space, make sure there is a continu- ous air turnover.
•Temperature: 10 – 32°C (50 – 89.6°F), humidity 54% at 32°C, 89.6°F
•Humidity: 15 – 80%, temperature 27°C, 80.6°F at 80%
•A strong and level base.
•The machine must be level within 5mm, 0.2" both front to rear and left to right.
•To avoid possible
Environments to avoid
•Locations exposed to direct sunlight or strong light (more than 1,500 lux).
•Locations directly exposed to cool air from an air conditioner or heated air from a heater. (Sudden temperature changes might cause condensation within the machine.)
•Locations close to such machines generating ammonia such as diazo copy machines.
•Places where the machine might be subjected to frequent, strong vibrations.
•Dusty areas.
•Areas with corrosive gases.