| 5: Commands and Levels |
command mode signon message <string> | Sets a |
| when the |
| device boots and when the line is in command mode. |
| <string> = text with possible binary characters. |
| Within [] use binary decimal up to 255 or hex up to 0xFF. |
command mode wait time <milliseconds> | Sets |
| <milliseconds> = wait time. |
configure current settings | Configures line with the current value of settings. |
data bits 7 | Uses seven bits for data on the line. |
data bits 8 | Uses eight bits for data on the line. |
default baud rate | Restores the default speed of 9600 bits per second. |
default data bits | Restores the default of eight data bits. |
default flow control | Restores the default of no flow control. |
default interface | Restores the default interface type to this line. |
default parity | Restores the default of no parity. |
default protocol | Restores the default protocol on the line. |
default stop bits | Restores the default of one stop bit. |
default threshold | Restores the factory default threshold. |
default xoff char | Restores the default xoff character on this line. |
default xon char | Restores the default xon character on this line. |
exit | Exits to the enable level |
flow control hardware | Uses hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control on the line. |
flow control none | Does not provide flow control on the line. |
flow control software | Uses software (xon/xoff characters) flow control on the |
| line. |
gap timer <milliseconds> | Sets the gap timer in milliseconds. If some data has been |
| received, it will |
| be forwarded after this time since the last character. |
interface rs232 | Sets the line interface to RS232. |
interface rs485 | Sets the line interface to RS485 in |
interface rs485 | Sets the line interface to RS485 in |
kill session | Kills command mode session on the Line |
line <line> | Enters the line level. |
| <line> = number of the line (serial port) to be configured. |
name <text> | Sets the name for this line. |
no clear line counters | Restores the serial counters to the aggregate values. |
no command mode | Disables command mode for the current line. |
no command mode signon message | Clears the signon message displayed at boot time and |
| when entering |
| command mode. |
no gap timer | Removes the gap timer, so forwarding depends on the |
| line speed. |
no name | Removes the name of this line. |
parity even | Uses a parity bit on the line for even parity. |
parity none | Does not use a parity bit on the line. |
parity odd | Uses a parity bit on the line for odd parity. |
protocol none | Uses no protocol on the line. |
XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference | 78 |