(15) Taking photographs with manual flash off u
Deliberately switching off the flash allows you to take atmospheric photographs in the twilight and inside buildings for example, or
you can take photographs in museums where the use of flash is prohibited. In this mode, the ambient light controls the shutter speeds,
even as far as long time exposure Bwhere necessary (see “The automatically self-activating Bfunction”, p. 107).
Operating step
1. When setting the
2. After setting the
pressing the shutter
release button
(at least to the
pressure point)
During the exposure
(only for automatic
switching to long
time exposures)
4. After the exposure
In the data panel
u; also Bfor automat-
ically controlled long
time exposures
uand B; at the same
time the counter switch-
to display the ex-
pired exposure time
In the viewfinder
As for default mode (No. 1); the automatically or manually set aperture
and appear alternately (representing the exposure times >30s)
The relevant focus status display and
As for default mode (No. 1)