4.LG NAS Web Menu Use (for LG NAS administrators)
②Type in host description.
The host description has a limit of 24 characters; this can be a combination of letters, digits, underscores, hyphens and spaces. This explanation only affects the Windows client.
The Network interface’s IP properties are specified. During system connection, care must be taken as restrictions may be created.
①For an existing IP address, check ‘Manual IP Setting’. If the network supports DHCP, check ‘Obtain an IP address automatically (DHCP)’.
∙Manual IP setup: If the absence of a DHCP server in the network, interface information must be entered manually.
∙Obtaining an IP address automatically (DHCP): This option is available when a DHCP (or a router) is connected to the server. Activation of the DHCP option will disconnect the web menu, thus the IP address must be renewed on the LCD or through the ‘LAS Detector’ program. The DHCP dynamically renews the IP address of the DHCP server periodically, which may trigger an unexpected change of IP address, thus the DHCP option must be handled with great caution.