5. LG NAS web menu usage (Regular users)
⑥At the end of the burning process, the tray ejects and the disc can be removed.
*By clicking on the ‘Erase Disc’ button,
Burn Image
The image file of the disc used to save LG NAS data can be burnt to disc.
①The selected image file can be moved to the destined folder.
② Select the image file to be burnt.
③Click on the ‘Refresh’ button to confirm whether the disc can be burnt, as indicated in the disc state window.
④The burn function is activated by clicking the ‘Burn’ button. The burn process is accompanied by a progress bar.
⑤Click on the ‘Cancel’ button, which appears with the progress bar, to cancel the burn.
⑥At the completion of the burn, the tray ejects and the diskdisc may be removed.
*If the ‘Erase Disc’ button is selected, rewriteable discs can be selected. This action will cause deletion of all the existing data.