4. LG NAS Web Menu Use (for LG NAS administrators)
Volume Array Configuration
This page displays information pertaining to existing state and size of the volume of the LG NAS. Configuration is possible through the volume name, configuration disk, RAID level, volume state and capacity.
The name will be divided into a maximum of 4, i.e. Vol1/Vol2/Vol3/Vol4. The check box on the left refers to the volume.
The volume configuration will be divided into various hard disk locations and will be labeled B1/B2/B3/B4. The configured volume via RAID will appear on a multitude of disks.
The RAID level indicates NONE, JBOD, RAID0, RAID1, RAID5, RAID10.
The volume’s strange state and work are displayed. The volume’s state is divided into active / none / degraded / destroyed / formatting / syncing / migrating.
-‘active’ refers to no abnormality in the volume,
-‘none’ refers to when no RAID is configured,
-‘degraded’ refers to configuration of the abnormal or deleted hard disk process, though volume is available for use,
-‘destroyed’ refers to configuration of the abnormal or deleted hard disk process, and volume is unavailable for use,
-‘formatting’ refers to the process of formatting the volume,
-the ‘syncing’ state refers to the RAID configuration process,
-the ‘migrating’ state refers to the RAID reconfiguration process.