
4Click next to the holiday you would like to configure.

Click to edit holidays

5Check Enable to enable the holiday or un-check to disable.

6Select the Start Date and End Date for the holiday. If you want the holiday to be one day only, select the same day for both Start Date and End Date.

UsetheMode toselectthedateusingdifferentmethods:By Date allowsyoutouseacalendar to select the date, By Month uses drop-down menus, and By Week allows you to select the week and day of the week that will be used.

Check to enable holiday

Select the date for the holiday using different methods

Select the Start and End Date for the holiday

7Click OK to save changes. Once you have enabled holidays, a Holiday line is added to the schedule. You must configure the schedule to record during holidays. For details, see “Configuring the Recording Schedule” on page 50.