
5Check Enable Motion Detection to enable motion detection or un-check to disable.

6Adjust the Sensitivity slider to configure motion detection sensitivity.

Select camera

Enable motion detection

Adjust motion detection senstiivity

7In the image area, configure motion detection areas:

Areas where the grid is filled in are enabled for motion detection.

Click and drag to enable/disable areas of the screen for motion detection.

Click Full Screen to enable the entire area for motion detection.

Click Clear to disable the entire area for motion detection.

Enable whole screen

Disable whole screen

Click and drag to enable/ disable motion areas

8Click Apply to save changes. Right-click repeatedly to return to live view.

Configuring Motion Detection Alarm Settings

You can configure the alarm actions that occur when motion detection is triggered.

To configure motion detection alarm settings:

1Right-click and click Menu.

2Enter the system user name (default: admin) and password (default: 000000) and click Yes.