
4Under IP Camera, check the cameras you would like to search for footage. Check/un-check IP Camera to select/deselect all cameras.

5Configure the Record Type, File Type, Start Time, and End Time as needed and click Search. A list of files appears, based on your search.

6Click to lock/un-lock files. Locked files will not be overwritten when the internal hard drive is full. Locked files are shown with a .

Click to lock/un-lock files

7Click Cancel to exit. Changes are saved when exiting.

Event Search

The Event Search menu is used to search for video with motion recordings.

To search for video with motion recording enabled:

1Right-click and then click Menu.

2Enter the NVR’s user name (default: admin) and password (default: 000000) and click OK.

3Click Playback and then Event.

4Under Start Time, select the start time for your search. Click inside the field on the left and use the calendar to select the start date. Click inside the field on the right and use the buttons to adjust the start time for playback. Click outside the field to confirm the time.

5Under End Time, select the end time for your search in the same way that you selected the Start Time.