
6Click under Action to open the Action menu.

Click to open the Action menu

7In the Arming Schedule tab, configure the times of day you would like video loss alarms to be enabled for the selected camera.

Under Week, select the day of the week you would like to configure.

Configure up to 8 time periods per day when motion detection will be enabled.

Click Copy to copy the currently selected day’s schedule to other days of the week.

Select day of the week

Entertimeswhenvideolossalarmswill be enabled

8In the Action tab, check the alert actions that you want to occur if video loss occurs on the selected channel.

Full Screen Monitoring: The selected channel will open in full screen.

Audible Warning: System will beep.

Notify Surveillance Center: An alert will be sent to the client software.

Send Email: An alert email will be sent. Note that you must set up email alerts before the systemwillsendthem.Fordetailsonemailalerts,see“ConfiguringEmailAlerts”onpage 70.

Select video loss alerts

9Click Apply to save changes. Click OK.

10Click Apply to save changes. Right-click repeatedly to return to live view.