When navigating to a waypoint, the Navigation screen looks like the one at right. Your ground speed, track, distance and bear- ing to waypoint, and course are all shown digitally on this screen. Closing speed is also known as velocity made good. It’s the speed that you’re making towards the waypoint. The current cross track error is shown in the Off Course
box. This is the distance you are
cross track error line, then you are .20 mile to the right of the desired course. You need to steer left to return to the desired course. You can use the ZIN or ZOUT keys to change the cross track error range. A circle depict- ing your destination (waypoint) appears on the screen as you approach the waypoint as shown on the screen at right.
Travel Time is the time that it will take to reach your destination at your present closing speed. Arrival Time is the local time that it will be when you arrive at the destination, based upon your present closing speed and track.
Customizing the Navigation Screen
Many of the digital displays can be customized to show different digital data than the defaults shown above. This is done exactly like the customization of the Status screen. See page 31 for instructions to cus- tomize this screen.
There are five different mapping screens: Full Map, Digital Data, Two Po- sition Formats, Two Maps, and Map with Sonar.