The GPS receiver is tracking satellites that are in bold type. The receiver hasn’t locked onto a satellite if the number is grayed out, therefore it isn’t being used to solve the position.
Beneath the circular graph are the bar graphs, one for each satellite in view. Since the unit has twelve channels, it can dedicate one channel per visible satellite. The taller the bar on the graph, the better the unit is re- ceiving the signals from the satellite.
The “Position Error” (horizontal position error) shown in the upper left cor- ner of the screen is the expected error from a benchmark location. In other words, if the position error shows 50 feet, then the position shown by the unit is estimated to be within 50 feet of the actual location. This also gives you an indicator of the fix quality the unit currently has. The smaller the position error number, the better (and more accurate) the fix is. If the position error flashes, then the unit hasn’t locked onto the satellites, and the number shown isn’t valid.
Customizing the Status Screen
Many of the digital displays can be customized to show different digital data than the defaults. To customize this screen, press the MENU key while the Status screen is showing. Scroll down to the bottom of this menu to the Customize label and select it. The Position Error bar flashes, signi- fying that the window can be changed. Press the MENU key to show a menu of available options. Choose the data that you want shown at this location, then press the ENT key to select it. To change another, simply press the down arrow key. The ID bar will flash on the selected box. Re- peat the above steps until you’re finished customizing. Press the EXIT key to stop the bar from flashing.
This screen has a compass rose that not only shows your direction of travel, but also the direction to a recalled waypoint. The navigation screen looks like the one at right when you’re not navigating to a waypoint. Your position is shown by an arrow in
the center of the screen. Your trail history, or path you’ve taken is de- picted by the line extending from the arrow. The large arrow point- ing down at the top of the com- pass rose indicates the current track (direction of travel) you are taking.