Provisioning guidelines 3-21
Step 8:

Calculate number of Network groups required

Compute the number of Network groups based on the total. number of loops
required (excluding conference and tone loops). The following equation
should be used: (Also refer to Table 3-6.)
Total number of loops = 4 x no. of Superloop Network Cards + 2 x
no. of Enhanced Networks
Table 3-6
Number of groups based on the total number
loops required
Number of groups Number of loops
Note: Use Worksheet C (at the end of this
document) if no superloop is required. If the total
number of loops required exceeds 22, then a
multiple group system should be installed.
2 56
4 112
5 140
Based on the above criteria, installing a multiple group system at the start is
more cost-effective than converting to a multiple group system (from a
single gropu system) between the 2-year and 5-year interval.
System engineering 553-3001-l 51