Peripheral Equipment cards 45
QPC67 Carrier Maintenance
System Hardware-System option
for RPE applications. Contains an M-type (3017 Hz) fault-
locate filter. Provides DC detection circuitry for the fault-locate pair, and
carrier loopback relays to facilitate software maintenance testing.
Terminates and gives access to the order wire pair via a jack and binding
posts on the faceplate.
QPC67E or later vintage is required.
per RPE Module
QPC71 E&M/DX Signaling and Paging Trunk
System Hardware-All
Purpose-Used in P-Law applications in one of the following ways to
interface with appropriate types of trunk facilities:
E&M signaling, 2-way dial repeating trunk
2-wire DX signaling, 2-way dial repeating trunk
4-wire DX signaling, 2-way dial repeating trunk (a 24V4 repeater,
externally mounted, converts the trunk from 2- to 4-wire)
paging trunk or externally mounted loudspeaker
Refer to
E8uWDX signaling and paging trunk- Circuit description (553-
2001-187) for more details.
Each card contains two separate, identical trunk circuits. Trunk usage
option is selected by switches on the circuit card.
or later vintage is required.
per two trunk circuits
Equipment identification and ordering information 553-3001-154