Memory calculations 131
Stored Number
(4-32 digits)
System Speed Call
Tenant Number
R7-12 R13 R14-15
l-8 words l-8 words l-8
wqrds 1-b words
1 word 1 word 1 word
1 word 1 word 1 word
Note 2 : The size of the protected line block for SL-1 telephones is
determined from the following:
Basic Line Block
7 words in Release 4
8 words in Release 5
9 words in Release 7
10 words in Releases 8-13
13 words in Release 14-15
Basic Line Block (ODAS)
words Releases 4 and 5
words Releases 7-12
words Releases.13 -15
Card Block Component 1.5 words
The key layout portion of the template in Release 4 requires 12/rs words,
where rs = the number of telephones sharing the same template.
The key layout portion of the template, in Releases 5 through 15, requires (4
+ the number of key lamp strips x 10)/m words, where rs = the number of
telephones sharing the same template.
Memory calculations 553-2201-151 Appendix 1