104 Memory calculations
Note 8 : N, the recommended number of Call Registers is:
N = (T + 815)/33.8 + M
M = the number of ACD incoming trunks.
A = the total voice loop traffic in CCS.
B = M x
is average CCS per ACD trunk).
C = the total call register traffic factor
The Total Call Register Traffic Factor is equal to 1 + any of the following
0.037 if CDR Charge Account
0.074 if Authorization Code
0.037 if Parallel CDR Ports Per Customer
0.150 if NARS/BARS/CDP
0.150 if FCBQ and OHQ
0.033 if ACD RAN
0.019 if Telset Messaging
0.140 if
0.083 if Ring Again
0.033 if Music Trunk
0.067 if CPRK
0.003 if NFCR
0.039 if ESN Signalling
0.0 if Stored Number
(negligible impact)
0.184 if IVMS (with R4-5)
0.044 if individual hold (with R4-5)
Memory calculations 553-2201-151 Appendix 1