26 System architecture
8 segments per
In this configuration, 8 segments are assigned to 1 Superloop (see Figure 7).
cases where the segment is populated with NT9IO2AA Digit& Line
Cards, NT8DO3 Analog Line Cards, NT8DO!JAA Message Waiting Line
Cards, or NT8D14AA or
Trunk Cards, the 8 segment per
superloop configuration will provide a high concentration (120 Timeslots to
128-512 TNs) environment (see Figure 2). In instances where half of the
data TNs on NT8DO2AA Digital Line Cards are enabled, this configuration
provides a concentration of 120 Timeslots to 768 TNs. One NT8DO4AA
Superloop Network Card and two NT8DOlAD Controller-2 Cards are used
to implement an 8 segment per superloop configuration.
System overview 553-3001-l 00