Location Requirements156
„Away from cooling and heating sources, extreme temperature or humidity
changes, direct sunlight, excessive dust, corrosive chemicals or vapors
(such as ammonia), water pipes, refrigerators, and any strong electro-
magnetic field (such as that created by an air conditioner), open flames,
or items that can easily burn, or items that produce excessive vibration.
If the printer is located in a cold room that is rapidly heated, or if the printer
is moved from a cold place to a warm, humid place, condensation may
occur within the printer, degrading print quality. If this occurs, allow the
printer to adapt to th e environment for about one hour before use.
„Away from water.
If using a humidifier or water vaporizer in the room with the printer, use
only purified or distilled water. Impurities in the water may be released into
the air , where they can accumulate inside the printer and cause degraded
printer output.
„Away from open flames or items that can easily burn.
„At an altitude of 0–8202' (0–2500 m).
„Away from items that produce excessive vibration.
„Near your computer—6.5' (2 m) or less for an IEEE 1284 bidirectional par-
allel connection; cables for other connections may be longer.
„Close to an easily accessible grounded power supply on an exclusively
dedicated power outlet.
Do not connect the groundwire to gas or water pipes or grounding for
Achtung! Das Massekabel keinesfalls an eine Gas- oder Wasserleitung
oder eine Erdung für Telefone anschließen.
„Not connected to the same electrical outlet as noise-generating equi p-
ment. If the printer is connected to the same circuit used by other
high-current machines, such as a copier or air conditioner , or to an electri-
cally noisy machine, low voltage or noise may cause overheating, com-
puting errors resulting in data loss, and improper performance.
„In a well-ventilated area, but away from wind.
„With enough space to allow adequate ventilation and easy servicing.
Obstructing the ventilation grilles could present a fire hazard.
Achtung! Abdeckung der Ventilator-Schlitze kann ein Feuer auslösen.
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500