Status, Error, and Service Messages 89

EMPTY The fuser oil roller for the fuser
is depleted. The printer will not
print any more copies until a
new fuser oil roller is installed.
Install a new fuser
oil roller.
IDLE The printer is on line, but no
jobs are in process. No action needed.
INITIALIZING The printer is warming up and
getting rea d y to go on li n e. Wait. No other
action needed.
INPUT BIN JAM Input bin jams occur in the
input bin. Locate and
remove the jam.
PRINTING The printer is on line and print-
ing jobs already in the queue.
No new jobs are a rriving at the
communication interfaces.
No action needed.
OFF The mailbox unit power is off. Turn off the printer,
turn on the mail-
box unit, then the
turn on the pri nter.
This message... means... Do this...
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500