B - 2 4 | D i a g n o s t i c s |
d 10: Application Code Modules
This diagnostic displays the currently downloaded code modules. This can be a
The LED diagnostic indicates the current download status. The data received indicator lights when downloaded data is received. The download packet counter counts down toward zero, indicating the remaining packets of the current module to be received. This counter will initially be blank, and after segment zero is received it shows the remaining packets. The data received indicator can be lit even if no additional packets are stored.
Figures B-23 and B-24 illustrate the application code module for LEDs and OSDs:
Figure B - 23
Application code module LEDs
Receiving status
lock Number of packets to
be downloaded
Table B - 25
First LED indicating current status of download
First LED | Mode |
I | Idle − no download in progress |
C | Connected to download PID − awaiting data |
| |
d | Download in progress |
Figure B - 24 |
APP . (application) CODE MODULES OSD |
| |
| DCT_ROM | 01.00 | DISABLD |
| dct_plat | 01.00 | ENABLED |
| appl_____ | 2.00 | DOWNLD |
DCT 2000 Installation Manual