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Revision 1.0
System Data 1, Indexes 288-295: Designation of the attributes of the SMDR.
SMDR output port will be designated. For this
designation, the attributes of the terminal which
outputs the detail call information should have been
designated by the AIOC command.
Also for detecting a fault of the SMDR, set the SMDR
fault detect timer.
Index 288 = Charging information port of SMDR A.
Index 289 = SMDR fault detect timer of SMDR A.
Index 290 = Charging information port of SMDR B.
Index 291 = SMDR fault detect timer of SMDR B.
Index 292 = Charging information port of SMDR C.
Index 293 = SMDR fault detect timer of SMDR C.
Index 294 = Charging information port of SMDR D.
Index 295 = SMDR fault detect timer of SMDR D.
System Data 2, Index 3, bit 0: 1=SMDR registration per tenant is valid.
bit 7: 0/1=-/SMDR Output (STN-STN) is in service.
STEP 2: AIOC - Assign the function and attribute data of the IOC ports.
STEP 3: ARTD - CDN 10. Enable outgoing routes to be included for SMDR registration. CDN 16,
Determination on a per-route basis what type of connection will be registered by SMDR.
For outgoing only routes, assign data “0”. For incoming routes, assign data “2”. For
bothway trunk routes, assign data “1” only.
CDN56. Detailed billing for outgoing (tandem). CDN69. Detailed billing for incoming
(tandem). Regarding DN56 and CDN69, see Figur e 5-4.