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Revision 1.0
Note 1: Available since Series 7400 (Release 9) software.
Note 2: Available since Series 7300 (Release 4) software.
Note 3: Available for Q-SIG network sinc e the Series 73 00 (Release 2) softwar e a nd for IS- 11572 network si nce
the Series 7400 (Release 8) software.
Note 4: Available for Q-SIG network sinc e the Series 73 00 (Release 2) softwar e a nd for IS- 11572 network si nce
the Series 7300 (Release 7.5) software.
Note 5: Available since Series 7400 (Release 8) software.
Service for OG call S-91/S-92 Sid To Network-Present/SID To Network-Privacy
S-96 Sub Address-Present
T-42 Trunk Provisioning Service Selection
W-9 Wide Band Switching for AT&T #4ESS
Service for Network C-112/T-44 Calling Party Information Transfer/
Transfer Message (TRM)
N-42 National-ISDN2-PRI
N-47 Network Name Display (NI-2 PRI) Note 5
Special Network V- 18 Virtual Tie Line
E-23 Event Based CCIS-ISDN Transport
E-24 Event Based CCIS-Q-SIG Transport Note 5
Private Network C -152 Call Completion on No Reply (CCNR) Note 3
C-148 Call Completion to a Busy Subscriber (CCBS) Note 3
C-153 Calling Name Identification Presentation (CNIP)/
Connected Name Identification P res e ntation (CONP) Note 4
C-158 Call Forwarding Supplementary Service (SS-CF) with Rerouting Note 5
C-159 Call Transfer Supplementary Service (SS-CT) with Rerouting Note 5
I-42 IS-11572 (Layer 3 specifications for inter-PBX signalling protocol)
Q-4 Q-SIG Circuit Switched Basic Call-ETSI Version
Supplement A-136 Advice of Charge (AOC)-Receipt and Display of AOC from a Foreign
Q-SIG Network Note 5
Table 6-2 Supplementary Service List