Page 37
Revision 1.0
1. General Description
This service feature allows a secretary to voice-announce a call t o a boss whe n the sec retar y answers a call from
an ISDN trunk on the boss’ line.
2. Operating Procedure
1. Call termin ates to boss’ lin e .
2. Secretary answers the cal l on B oss’ line of Secretary’s Dterm.
3. Secretary presses boss’ line key; incoming call is placed on hold, a signal tone is transmitted over the
speaker of bo ss’ Dterm, and boss and se creta ry c an ta lk b y VOICE CALL-Dterm [V-2D]. Note 1
The LCD displays (Boss and Secretary):
4. If the “MIC” key of boss’ Dterm is on, Boss can converse HANDS FREE-Dterm [H-4D].
5. Secretary hangs up (Note 2); a signal tone is transmitted over the speaker of boss’ Dterm again, and boss’
line is placed on hold. At this time, boss’ line of Secretary’s Dterm is placed on hold, too, and secretary can
answer the held call at any time. (Note 3)
6. Boss lifts the handset, presses the boss’ line key, and answers the call. The LCD is displayed:
Note 1: If the boss is talking on another line or has a single line telephone, boss’ station rings and VOICE
CALL [V-2D] cannot be activated.
Note 2: If the boss answers before the secretary hangs up, the boss will talk to the secretary. At this time, the
secretary can talk to the incoming call, to the boss by pressing the boss’ line key or the transfer key.
Note 3: If the boss doesn’t answer the held call in a specific time, secretary will be r eca lled by the held call.
3. Programming
STEP 1: ASFC - Assign SFI 51=1 (Boss-Secretary is in service) to the secretary station.
STEP 2: AKYD - Boss’ My-line must be assigned as a sub-line on the secretary’s phone.
Note: Secretary must have Dterm for this operation. Boss may have a single line telephone.
ICM XXXX(Time Display)
XFR XXXX(Time Display) TRANSFER XXXX(Time Display)
[Dterm Series III] [Dterm Series E]