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Revision 1.0
1. General Description
The AUTOMATIC TRUNK TEST capability provides a functional test on a large number of ISDN trunks at a
prearranged time. The results of the test are reported at the MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION
TERMINAL (MAT) [M-18]. The test can i nc l ude : R ingback Tone T est, 1 kHz Tone Test and Trunk Select ion
Test, by having the proper Test Trunk termination at the distant office.
2. Operating Procedure
Refer to “[A-21] AUTOMATIC TRUNK TEST” in Feature Programming Manual.
3. Service Conditions
1. One LTST (PH-M23) card is required as additional hardware.
2. Trunks are tested in conjunction with the connecting office through the selected trunk, on a one at a time
basis. The following different trunk functions can be tested on all trunks in a specified group:
• Trunk selection
• Detection of Ringback Tone sent back from the connecting office after test number outpulsing.
• Detection of test tone (1 kHz) returned from Automatic Answer Trunk facility, if provided at the
connecting office.
3. As part of the AUTOMATIC TRUNK TEST facility, an Automatic Answer Trunk (AAT) is provided at the
PBX to answer incoming test calls. Upon terminating the incoming test call from the originating office
through a selected test trunk, the AAT generates a 1 kHz tone to the originating office as an
acknowledgement signal.
4. When ordering th e execution of this feature via the MAT , the system will promp t for either “Immediate or
Scheduled Execution” of the AUTOMATIC TRUNK TEST. If Scheduled execution is chosen, the time
when the test begins is entered via the MAT. From the time the test is ordered until the completion of the
test, the MAT is dedicated to the AUTOMATIC TRUNK TEST function.
5. IND IVIDUA L TRUNK ACC ESS [I-4] must be available when activating this feature .
6. Trunk test data must be assigned by “ATTD” command.
7. This service is available to trunks that can receive PB signals.
4. Programming
Refer to “[A-21] AUTOMATIC TRUNK TEST” in Feature Programming Manual.