Page 62
Revision 1.0
STEP 7: AAED - Assign announcement equipment.
TN: Tenant Number
EQP: Announcement Equipment Number
0: Dead Level
1: Unused Number (LCR OPR not programmed)
2: Available
3: Available
4: Outgoing Trunk Group Busy Announcement
5: Available
6: Available
7: Outgoing Route R estriction Announcement
8-15: Available for ANNOUNCEMENT SERVICE [A-15] applications.
RT, TK: Route and trunk number of the trunk connected to the announcement
C: Duration of Connection, 0/1: Disconnection occurs in 30 seconds/the
connection is held until the station releases. See the requirements of the
announcement equipment.
R: Sending RBT, 0/1: Sending RBT/N o t sen d ing RB T. Normally assign data “0”.
A: Answer Signal Sending, 0/1: No answer from Incoming trunk/Answer from
Incoming trunk. Normally assign data “0”. No answer signal is sent to the C. O.
Therefore, calling party will not be billed for the call.
M: Multiple Connection 0/1: Single Connection/Multiple Connection. See the
requiremen ts of the announcement equipment.