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19. The c onditions of alternate routing are as follows.
(a) If the data link fault occurs when the station is operating to set CCNR, the message for service set is
sent using alternate route providin g t ha t t h e i n terface i s Q -SIG/IS-11572.
(b) The same route is used for sending service set message and recall (the other route cannot be used).
Therefore, recall is not completed since all tr unks (B-channel) of the corr esponding rout e are busy, and
the system processes the call as follows.
• All B-channel trunks at the system of an calling station are busy:
cancel CCNR and send the busy tone to the calling station.
• All B-channel trunks at the mediate system are busy:
send the message of CCNR recall fault to the calling station and the message of CCNR cancel to
the called station.
20. The description below are interactions between CCNR and Call Forwarding service (All Calls, Busy Line,
Don’t Answer).
(a) When setting CCNR to the station which is set C.F . service, the time of setting CCNR decides whet her
the service is set or not.
Note 1: When the calling station recalls the station which is set CCNR service after answering CCNR recall,
No Answer Timer time out is effective. If the timer expires, the recall is forwarded to the destination.
Note 2: The station to be set CCNR is not changed if C.F. - Don’t Answer service is canceled after CCNR
service set.
C.F. - All Calls C.F. - Busy Line C.F. - Don’t Answer
C.F. is incomplete
C.F. is not applicable (the condition
for making C.F. complete is not agreed)
(before) C.F. is activated
- CCNR is set to the for-
warding station (called
CCNR is set to the for-
warding station (called
station) Note 1, Note 2
(after) C.F. is complete Not Available Not Available CCNR is set to the for-
warding station (called
station) Note 1, Note 2