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Revision 1.0
Example 1) Statio n A or igi n at es a c all to St ati o n B, and Station B set to forward a call to Stati on C. S tatio n
C is set a call to forward to Station B.
The call is terminated at the Station B after being forwarded to Station C.
Example 2) Statio n A or igi n at es a c all to St ati o n B, and Station B set to forward a call to Stati on C. S tatio n
C is set a call to forward to Station D and then Station D set to Station B.
The call is terminated at the Station B after being forwarded to Station C and D.
12. When the service is used to be interworked with the interface except IS-11572 or Q-SIG, the displayed
number is as follows.
• On the ca ller’s LCD, the display that indicates t he connected party’s number will not be changed until
the forwarded destination answers the call (If using IS-11572 or Q-SIG interface, the display is
changed when the call is for wa rd ed and th e c al led par ty s ta rts to ring) . Afte r the call i s answ er ed , the
display is changed from the caller number to the destination’s number.
• On the destinations LCD, the display is the same as that of the forwarded station using CALL
Rerouting Function
1. Rerouting function is available when:
(a) SS-CF service is available.
(b) Bearer Capability information of speech or 3.1 kHz audio is available for rerouting function
(Unrestricted digital data cannot be forwarded and the line is disconnected).
(c) Transmission speed rate is 64 kbps.
(d) The calling and called party are D term or anal og st ation. (When one of t hose st ations is ISDN ter minal,
PS terminal, or Attendant Console, C.F. service is activated without rerouting function). As for the
forwarded station, any terminal is available for this service.
(e) Another service is activated on the calling party.