Page 155
Revision 1.0
1. General Description
This feature prohibits station users from placing long distance calls over specific ISDN network trunks.
Restricted calls are routed to either an ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3] (diversion) or to an Reorder Tone
2. Operating Procedure
No manual operation is required.
3. Programming
STEP 1: ASYD - System Data 1, Index 75: Should the following commands be developed for
Day/Night: 0/1: No/Yes. See DAY/NIGHT
CLASS OF SERVICE [D-15] for details.
-Bit 0- Develop ARSC command for Day/Night?
-Bit 3- Develop ATDP command for Day/Night?
System Data 2, Index 1, bits 4 & 5: If TOLL DENIAL is required, assign these bits
as data “00”. If TOLL DIVERSION is required,
assign these bits as “01”. Calls are then d iverted
to the Attendant Console. Assigned on a per-
tenant basis.
STEP 2: ARSC - Assign Route Restriction Classes. When these are assigned to stations, classes will
determine whether or not a station will be allowed access to a specific route or speci fic
dialing sequence. See TOLL RESTRICTION-3/6 DIGIT [T-7]. Assign the following:
DAY/NIGHT: Day/Night Mode
D: Day Mode
N: Night Mode
TN: Tenant Number
RT: Route N umber
RSC: Route Restriction Cl ass
RRI: Route Restriction Index
0-IC Restriction via Attendant Console/station
1-IC Restriction Direct Connection
2-OG Restriction via Attendant Console/station
3-OG Restriction Direct Connection
RES: Restriction Dat a
0-Connection is Restricted
1-Connection is Allowed
2-Connection is Toll Restricted (See “TOLL RESTRICTION-3/6-DIGIT”, [T-7])
STEP 3: ASDT - When assigning the data to specific stations, assign the proper RSC to each station.