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Examples of Data Assignment for the E-CCIS line
• Example of port allocation when using Called Sub Address as addressing information
Data assignment procedure related to the E-CCIS line is shown below.
E-CCIS speech line for th e office A (PC=2) → RT20
E-CCIS speech line for th e office B (PC=3) → RT30
STEP 1: ARTD - Offic e A
RT20 CDN 4 5 (A / D ): 0 (B ea rer capability: speech)
CDN 49 (TRKS): 0
- Office B
RT30 CDN 4 5 (A / D ): 0 (Bearer capabili ty: spe ech)
CDN 49 (TRKS): 0
STEP 2: ARTI - RT10 JECCIS: 1 (common use with E-CCIS RT)
- Office A
RT20 ECCISTM: 5 (Release timer: 5 minutes)
ECCISOB: 1 (OG billing for the E-CCIS line is required)
ECCISIB : 1 (IC billing for the E-CCIS line is required)
ECCISTD: 1 (Addressing information: Sub Address)
ECCIS2: 1 (Common channel system)
- Office B
RT30 ECISTM: 5 (Release timer: 5 minutes)
DID Number for incoming calls from an E-CCIS line: 8-26-3500
RT110 TK1 ISDN D-channel
RT10 TK23 ISDN B-channel
RT10 TK22 ISDN B-channel
RT10 TK21 ISDN B-channel
RT10 TK20 ISDN B-channel
RT10 TK19 ISDN B-channel
RT10 TK18 ISDN B-channel
RT10 TK17 ISDN B-channel
RT10 TK16 ISDN B-channel
RT10 TK2 ISDN B-channel
RT10 TK1 ISDN B-channel