N150 4-Port Wireless Router JNR1010
port numbers 48 port status 55
port triggering 68, 70, 72, 75 ports,listed, back panel 10 positioning the router 7
Power LED, troubleshooting and 86 PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) 88 Preamble mode 62
preset security about 25 passphrase 27
primary DNS addresses 21 prioritizing traffic 41
QoS (Quality of Service) 41
radio, wireless 62
range of wireless connections 7 releasing connection status 56 remote management 80 renewing connection status 56 repeater units 68
reserved IP adresses 40 restarting network 85
restoring configuration file 59
default factory settings 60, 91 router interface, described 15 router status, viewing 54
scheduling keyword and service blocking 50 secondary DNS 21
security 25
firewall settings 46
see also security options security options 29 security PIN 10, 33 sending logs by email 51 serial number, product label 10 services, blocking 48
settings, default. See default factory settings Setup Wizard 32
sites, blocking 47 SMTP server 51
specifications,technical 94 SSID, described 27 static routes 79
status, router, viewing 54 subnet mask 55 system up time 55
technical specifications 94 technical support 2
Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) 29 time to live, advertisement 82
traffic metering 83
troubleshooting 84 log in access 87
router changes not saved 90 trusted host 47
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) 81 up time, system 55
upgrading firmware 15, 53
viewing logs 58
router status 54
WAN IP address, troubleshooting 88 WAN setup 34
wireless channel 27
wireless connection, troubleshooting 91 wireless connections 7
wireless devices,adding to the network 16 Wireless Distribution System (WDS) 64, 66 Wireless LED, troubleshooting and 87, 88 wireless mode 27
wireless network name (SSID) broadcast 26 described 27
product label 10