8. Use the multi-selector left and
right to highlight the settings
for groups A and B and also to
set the channels.
9. Press the Enter button to set the
changes. Be sure to set your
remote Speedlights to the proper
groups and channels.

SB-800 as a master

To use the SB-800 as a master flash:
1. Enter the CSM on the Speedlight.
Press the Select button (SEL) for
two seconds to get there.
2. Use the + or – and the left and
right zoom buttons to select the
wireless settings menu. The
menu has the icon of a flash
with an arrow next to it.
3. Use the + or – button to select
the Master option.
4. After Master mode is selected,
press the Mode button to choose
the desired flash mode (TTL, M,
or AA).
5. Press the Select button to
highlight the Group A settings.
Change these setting as necessary.
Use the same procedures to
change groups B and C.
6. Press the Select button again
to highlight a Channel setting.
Choose the proper channel using
the + or – buttons.
7. Press the On/Off button to
apply the settings.
For instructions on setting up
Speedlights as wireless remotes,
see Chapter 2.
Setting Up FlashModes
The flash mode is used to decide how the
Speedlights are going to be set to the proper
exposure level. In the TTL mode, the remote
flashes fire test shots and the camera meters
it through the lens using its exposure sensor,
and then sets the output for you. In the M
mode, you need to decide the proper expo-
sure by using a light meter or the guide
number ÷ distance = aperture equation.
You can input the proper exposure levels
into the commander unit and the com-
mander tells the remotes at what power
level to fire. When using the SB-800 as a
wireless remote, you also have the AA or
auto aperture mode. When using this mode,
you set the aperture you want to shoot at
and the camera decides the probable cor-
rect exposure. I don’t recommend using this
setting as the flash tends to be to over
expose, requiring changing the exposure
compensation repeatedly until your LCD
shows acceptable results.
The guide number ÷ distance =
aperture equation is explained
in detail in Chapter 3.
Setting the flash modes of the wireless
remotes is achieved through the settings
menu of the commander unit, be it the SB-
800, SU-800, or a built-in Speedlight.
Different flash modes can be set
for groups, for example, Group
A can be set to TTL and Group B
can be set to M at the same
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