Family reunions and get-togethers are good
place to start taking group portraits. You can
find subjects at pretty much any gathering
with a lot of people. Parties, nightclubs, and
social events can also be great places to
photograph portraits of friends, couples,
and families. And, not all portraits need to
be formal; sometimes capturing the spirit of
the moment or gathering is as important.
132 Part II ✦Creating Great Photos with the Creative Lighting System
6.16 © Jack Puryear, Puryear Photography / www.jackpuryear.com
The Schmidt family, Leander, TX / Nikon D2X with Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8. ISO 100,
1/250sec. at f/8. Two SB-600 bounced with umbrellas. Flash set manually.
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